What is Look, Robot?
Look, Robot is a blog about games – all kinds, from console to PC to LARP to tabletop to throwing bits of balled up paper in the bin and keeping score. Who am I? I am Grant. I am a debonair freelance games journo who writes for actual genuine publications like FHM. Occasionally I will want to write things that are not suitable for actual genuine publications due to a) swearing b) length or c) them being about LARP. Look, Robot is a kind of leaky internet bucket for me to jam those things in so YOU CAN ALL SEE. Delicious, specially selected posts from this blog will appear on Imaginary Badasses. Imaginary Badasses is another gaming website, much like this one, but co-written by Chris Taylor. Why Look, Robot? It’s from a Douglas Adams quote, and it sounds good. Any more questions? Get in touch with me here.
About Grant
My Games
11 ways to be a better roleplayer
RPG Advice
Hilarious Deaths
GOBLIN QUEST – Playtesters wanted!
A game of unskilled creatures failing to achieve basic tasks in a variety of fatal ways.
January 22, 2013