Category: Stuff I Made
What is Spirits Walk?
The FALLEN PRINCE, the TATTERED MARCHING KING, invites you to SPIRITS WALK, a grand yearly procession of SUNDRY OTHERLINGS and DIMENSIONAL CURIOSITIES… but you won’t get in dressed like THAT.
Five reasons you should GET HYPE about ONE LAST JOB
A game about calling the crew together for one last job and seeing it through to completion, despite the fact that you still loathe each other after what happened in Utah.
The Guild of Orpheus and the Tabletop GameJam
ConTessa, which is an online RPG convention organised by ladies for everyone, and which is also pretty rad, put up a competition on their website. The challenge therein was to design a roleplaying game that followed the following two rules: 1. It must use one D3 and no other dice. 2. It must fit on…
WARRIOR-POET is out now!
Duel with battle-haiku in the distant Empire of the Moon.
A one-shot tabletop RPG where you build other people’s characters by reminding them of things they’d rather forget.
Ludonarrative Discodance: a livegame I actually ran
You know, I’m starting to think it might not have actually been the boogie’s fault after all.
We Set Out
We Set Out is a roleplaying game in which you’ll tell the story of your great adventure as you celebrate – or commiserate – around drinks in the tavern.
The Lair of the Beaver-Druid, and the One-page design philosophy
A level 3 Pathfinder adventure written on a single sheet of A4. Contains mercenary badgers, homeless goblins, strung-out pacifist forest defenders and a DRUID that looks like a BEAVER
Goblin Quest v3 now available for playtest
There’s a new table in it, and one of the results is: “Ants! Thousands upon thousands of ants!” How can you not want to play that?
Goblin Quest: UPDATED!
Want to play as five short-lived incompetent Goblins? You’ve come to the right place. Now with rules for Being a Dog and Lucky Ears!