Category: Live Games
Contains “full” “rules”
A con about me, starring all my friends.
Spirits Walk, Social Anxiety and Transgression
What would it take to get people to dance with each other to music only they could hear on a crowded street?
What is Spirits Walk?
The FALLEN PRINCE, the TATTERED MARCHING KING, invites you to SPIRITS WALK, a grand yearly procession of SUNDRY OTHERLINGS and DIMENSIONAL CURIOSITIES… but you won’t get in dressed like THAT.
My 10 (actually 11) favourite games of the year
Technically, this is eleven games and not all of them were released this year; but this year was the first time I understood them, the first time they left a mark.
Ludonarrative Discodance: a livegame I actually ran
You know, I’m starting to think it might not have actually been the boogie’s fault after all.
GET BETTER: Freeplay Indie Games Festival 2013
Freeplay 2013 left me feeling upset. Disturbed. Confused. Challenged, I think, is the best word.
The Institute
All pictures in this article from Flickr user Everfalling who is apparently some kind of bear A SENSATION There is a sensation I get from ARGs – alternate reality games – that I’m sure the Germans no doubt have a word for. I suppose the closest English word would be “unsettling,” but that’s not quite right.…