Category: Opinion
The Beginner’s Guide
I think the impressive thing about The Beginner’s Guide is how massively personal it manages to feel.
I do not understand these crisps.
Cumin is definitely involved.
Remote Previews: A tonic for corruption?
Could taking the focus away from preview events tackle some of the perceived issues at hand in games journalism today?
Are old games still relevant?
The release of Wolfenstein 3D as a browser-based game 20 years after initial release draws into sharp focus the fact that games have, well, changed a bit. But do you have to play it to enjoy Call of Duty?
Ten things I hate about games #1: Blank Protagonists
Gaming is a strange new medium, still, and as an industry it’s still finding its feet – we’ve only been going for around 35 years, give or take. We’re still working out how characterisation works. Often, it doesn’t.